Dissertation Format

Conversion to PDF

The required format for deposit in Enlighten Dissertations is PDF. It is assumed that you will be using a standard piece of software to create the electronic version of your dissertation, e.g. Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer or LaTeX. Before you deposit your dissertation you need to convert it to PDF format. Ideally your dissertation should consist of a single PDF file. However, it is acceptable to deposit a small number of individual files if you experience major difficulties in producing a single file for conversion to PDF. Before converting to PDF you need to ensure that you have incorporated any elements of the dissertation created in programmes such as Excel, Access, PowerPoint etc. into the main body of the text.

If using Microsoft Word to produce your dissertation, you should do this by using the Insert/Object, Insert/Picture or Insert/File options rather than by copying and pasting. However, if there are e.g. multimedia elements that you are unable to incorporate into the main body of your dissertation it may be possible to upload these as a separate file.

Filename convention

You should save the PDF version of your dissertation using the following filename format:

Year name dissertation level.pdf e.g. 2015RobinsonMScdissertation.pdf

Creating an edited version of your dissertation

If you have been unable to secure all the necessary third party copyright permissions for your dissertation you will not be able to make the full version available online. However, an edited version can still be deposited. If this is the case you should save an additional copy of your dissertation, remove the relevant material and insert a place holder at this point in the document, e.g.

Figure (Text/Chart/Diagram/image etc.) has been removed due to Copyright restrictions.